Have you ever faced a situation where you are unable to use your favorite software on other computer, In order to overcome this situation why don't you create you a portable software and use them on any computer without any installation.
In order to create portable software on your own you need to get the Cameyo from Here
Cameyo is a application virtualisation environment which packages the Software with all it's settings.data, registry entries and all the files in a single executable file needed to run the application on other computer.
Lets Start Create the Portable App/Software
Before you continue to any step to create a portable App/Software on your computer make sure that your computer is clean from all the virus, malwares, also delete the temporary file and better to run defrangement tool and you can also use the cc cleaner for more advanced cleaning the other misslenious files which can corrupt your application.
And finally you must have administrator rights on your computer to make any Software as portable app with Cameyo.
In order to create a portable app on your computer You must run the Cameyo with administrator rights.
As soon as you run the Cameyo on your Computer you will presented with huge list of the pre made portable apps for free. I am sure that you will find your software made portable for you from the list. If you did not don't worry we shall create it on your computer.
Creating the Portable App/Software
Click on the Studio icon when you hit on the Studio icon you will be presented with three more icons. There you need to hit on the "Capture App Locally" when you hit on this button Cameyo will start working in background for capturing your computer's state( This is the reason why you are highly recommended to clear the your computer from unnecessary files)
Cameyo will take some time depending on your computer fastens and programs running on your computer at that state.
After completion of capturing your computer Camyeo will ask you to install your favorite software on your computer as usual you install. Camyeo at background starts recording all the files needed for running the app/software on other computers into a single executed file.After completing the installation of your software you need to hit on the "Install Done" button.But don't hit this button when the software/app you installed on your computer is asking for reboot to complete installation.
With out hit on the 'Install Done" button reboot your computer. After reboot wait for some time to complete making the portable app. Don't close the Cameyo unless you get the message from Cameyo that your app has been created and saved in your Documents folder. This is how you can create your own portable app.
And if you don't follow all these simple steps to create a portable app/Software you can choose the other method
Using this method is so easy and safe to because in the above method Camyeo may record the sensitive data present on your computer and include it in the package, Even though this method takes some time more than the above method it is highly recommend for the beginners to continue with this method to create own portable apps.
Cameyo lets you to create your portable app/software with the help of their servers Don't worry you can create the apps for free by registering in Cameyo with your email.
In order to create a app online all you need is to copy and paste the link of your software in the camyeo website and you can also upload the software to camyeo and camyeo servers will start creating your portable app. You will be also notified with the download link vie email when you portable app had created.
Posted by R2blog. R2blog auto post for blogspot. Download at http://R2blogger.blogspot.com
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